Broken Sword: The Smoking Mirror

From thecrankyhermit

Broken Sword: The Smoking Mirror
Companies Revolution Software, Virgin Interactive
First release date Oct 31, 1997
Original platform(s) Windows
Current official platform(s) GOG
Optimization notes ScummVM

Quest adventure

Broken Sword: The Smoking Mirror
Broken Sword was years in the making and a tough act to follow, and this slightly rushed sequel doesn't quite reach those heights. Stobbart's second adventure feels narrower in scope, despite spanning both hemispheres this time around, with fewer locations available at any given moment, more focused but less expansive dialog options with fewer characters to talk to, and not delving nearly as deep into its own subject matter of Mayan mythology. Partly making up for it, the plot spends more time on character development than before, and chapters alternate with sidekick/girlfriend Nico as a playable character (an idea possibly cribbed from Gabriel Knight 2?), doing her own investigation in her own locations. The artwork and animation are beautiful as ever, locations are exotic and mostly real places, puzzles are sensibly integrated into the plot, and the characters you do interact with retain Revolution's color and dry wit.
Key people Steve Ince, Charles Cecil, Tony Warriner