
From thecrankyhermit

RPGlikes that follow the template set by Dragon Warrior on the NES. Character development is streamlined, character creation is usually basic or nonexistent, and is de-emphasized in favor of a linear, story-based narrative. The world has a degree of openness, though there is typically an intended linear sequence which constitutes completing the main quest, and access to advanced areas may be gated and require plot tokens and/or being sufficiently high level enough to progress.

Despite the name, these are not necessarily Japanese, as there have been Western developed RPGlikes that follow the JRPG template closely enough to be considered one. Nor are Japanese developed RPGlikes necessarily JRPGs, as some of them, especially early RPGs developed for home computers, do not follow the JRPG formula at all.

Pages in category "JRPG"

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