You're playing it wrong: Prince of Persia

From thecrankyhermit

Prince of Persia was originally released in 1989 for the Apple IIe. It was initially not a success, but later received an upgraded port on MS-DOS, which became a worldwide classic, and subsequently got ported to over a dozen consoles and home computers.

Of the initial wave of releases, only the Apple IIe original, DOS port, and SNES version are any good. Apple IIe is unbelievably smooth and playable considering the limitations of the system, but the DOS version is clearly superior. The SNES version has completely different graphics, is nearly twice as long (with bigger levels and more of them), several new gameplay mechanics to utilize the new levels and rooms, has new music, and has no blood and gore.

More recently, there has been an XBLA remake dubbed "Prince of Persia Classic" with 3D graphics in the style of Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time. It's also available on iOS, but like so many other misguided mobile remakes of classic computer and console games, it really isn't suited to touch controls.

By the numbers, you might assume that the DOS version is obsolete - the SNES version beats it in content, and PoP Classic beats it in aesthetics. And for almost any other game, you'd be right. But in this case, the sparseness of the DOS version actually works to the advantage of the game. The DOS version is short, minimalist, and has absolutely no filler. The most memorable moments in the game, such as the first time you hear the sudden CLANG of a huge metal blade trap snapping shut (and likely seeing your bloody dismembered corpse all over it) work so well because they're set against a sparse backdrop. These same moments feel diluted in the more epic SNES version, and lack their raw impact in PoP Classic's lavishly detailed magical fantasy world.

So, I have to consider the DOS version to be the definitive version of the adventure, and strongly recommend this be the version to play if you have never played it before. Even so, the SNES version's extra content is worth playing through. Make sure you play the DOS version to the end first, though. You can only experience the game's many memorable moments and surprises for the first time once, and they have a much greater impact on the DOS version. And another reason to play the SNES version second is that when you do, the more familiar you are with the DOS version, the more you'll be able to appreciate the changes and additions they made in the SNES version. PoP Classic is optional, but don't play it as a substitute for the DOS version if you've never finished the DOS version before.

Graphics comparisons:

Apple II version
DOS version
SNES version
Prince of Persia Classic