You're playing it wrong: Broken Sword: Shadow of the Templars

From thecrankyhermit

Broken Sword was originally released in 1996 for Windows and Playstation. It was ported to Gameboy Advance in 2002. In 2009, a Director's Cut was released for Nintendo Wii, DS, and later iOS and Windows, with expanded plot and game content, and new puzzles designed for touch screen and/or motion controls.

The Director's Cut sucks. The expanded game content ruins the pacing and presentation of the game. For instance, the original game began with a thrilling, suspenseful intro that plunged you straight into the mystery. The Director's Cut begins with a prologue where you play as Nico and parts of the plot are explained ahead of time, and you become familiar with a few important characters. Afterwards, the original intro plays, but the suspense is gone. You know what to expect, you have some idea of why it happens, etc. And afterwards, the expanded plot just meanders, delving into a pointless backstory about Nico's father that has nothing to do with the main plot. The animation in these segments is tacky looking too; it looks like cheap 3D animation with cel-shading, and clashes with the original art style which was designed by a team of veteran comic book artists.

The new puzzles are standard iOS touch-screen fare, and are completely out of place in a realistic, historically plausible adventure game. For instance, at one point you open a locked catacomb, not by picking the lock or prying out loose stones, but by solving a sliding tile puzzle that the 19th century Parisians conveniently left there for you to solve.

Also, the Director's Cut is bit less violent, and has no death scenes (some may regard this as a plus, but I don't).

Luckily, the "Director's Cut" available on GOG comes with the original game too, as a bonus feature, preconfigured to run with ScummVM. Play that version instead of the DC.