GA101 - Excellent games that didn't make the list

From thecrankyhermit

Here are the list of games that are good enough to be on the list, but aren't represented for whatever reason.


A truly remarkable early RPG in its own right which inspired Fallout, but I'm hard pressed to think of any other accomplishments to justify its place in history.

Monkey Island 2, Indiana Jones & the Fate of Atlantis, Sam & Max Hit the Road, Full Throttle, The Dig

LucasArts has enough representation.

Wing Commander, Wing Commander: Privateer

Pioneers in the space sim genre - a genre which has always been somewhat niche and has hit a dead end years ago.

Star Control II

A serious contender for best game ever... but it's just so downright bizarre that it's hard to justify calling it historically important.

X-Wing, TIE Fighter

Two of the best space sims ever, which like Wing Commander makes them of limited historical relevance.

Secret of Mana

It was either this or Final Fantasy VI. The latter won due to being more relevant, more intuitive to tie into a Final Fantasy retrospective, and being a better game.

Master of Magic

Excellent 4x strategy game, but let's face it - this is Civilization with orcs and elves.

System Shock

A commercial flop on release. It had the potential to revolutionize the FPS genre, but it didn't.

Blade Runner

An original take on adventure games, but its innovations didn't rejuvenate the then-dying genre.

Gran Turismo 3

Best driving sim ever... a genre even more niche than space sims.

Descent: Freespace

The last hurrah of a genre that isn't very relevant any more.

Planescape: Torment

Another serious contender for best game ever which is so strange that drawing influence from it is nearly impossible.

System Shock 2

Like the original, a commercial flop that failed to make the impact in history that it deserves - its only surviving relic is the BioShock series, which frankly has already overstayed its welcome.

The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind

This doesn't seem to have influenced very much except Bethesda's later (and not as good) games.

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

Also doesn't seem to have influenced very much except BioWare's later (and not as good) games.