Bubble Bobble

From thecrankyhermit

Bubble Bobble
Companies Taito
First release date Aug 1986
Original platform(s) Arcade
Current official platform(s) Official emulation: PS4 Store

Arcade platformer

Bubble Bobble
Syrupy they get, but this is one of the quintessential co-op games of the 8-bit era. Gameplay is set over 100 single-screen levels, where you must defeat all enemies, by blowing magic bubbles at them and then popping them, to proceed. Stage platform layouts and invisible wind currents lend a puzzle-like element to the challenge of popping sequences of multiple bubbles in a row, which is necessary to beat levels under the time limit and to maximize your score. If you can, play with a friend! If you can't, be sure to drop in player 2 before popping the final boss. The music is legendary, and with only one track used for most of the 100 levels, you won't forget it even if you want to.
Key people Fukio Mitsuji