Adventures of Lolo

From thecrankyhermit

Adventures of Lolo
Companies HAL Laboratory
First release date Apr 20, 1989
Original platform(s) NES
Current official platform(s) Official emulation: VC

Puzzle, Action

Adventures of Lolo
The fifth entry of the Eggerland series, but its first to be released in NA. As Lolo, you must ascend a tower of 50 puzzle rooms. In each, the challenge is to collect every heart piece on the screen, which will open a treasure chest somewhere in the room while also awakening the more dangerous enemies. Upon collecting the treasure, the room's exit is unlocked and all enemies are destroyed, allowing you to progress to the next room. The brain teasing puzzles are remarkably well crafted, deceptively deep, and satisfyingly logical, though dexterity is also required for some of the rooms. All of the puzzle rooms are actually remixed stages from prior games, but arranged in a gentle and gradual learning curve with newcomers to the series in mind. This one was never released in Japan, likely for that reason.